Courses teached at the Forest Engineering Graduate Program (more information here)

Population genetics of forest species (4 credits)

Prof.: Adelar Mantovani

Syllabus: Allele and genotype frequencies. Hardy-Weinberg’s law and deviations: inbreeding, genetic drift, migration, mutation, selection, bond balance. Genetic structure of populations. Effective population size. Adaptation.

Use and conservation of forest species (4 credits)

Prof.: Adelar Mantovani

Syllabus: conservation biology; conservation practices; “in situ” and “ex situ” conservation; conservation outside protected areas; identification of native plant species; sustainable use of forest resources based on species ecology studies; recognition, evaluation and valuation of forest resources; legislation for the use and conservation of forest resources; agroforestry systems as a form of use and conservation.

Courses teached at the Crop Production Graduate Program (more information here)

Use and conservation of forest species (4 credits)

Profs.: Roseli Lopes da Costa Bortoluzzi and Adelar Mantovani

Syllabus: Concepts, ecological aspects and economic importance of agroforestry systems; evolution of Brazilian forestry; techniques for the production of seeds and seedlings; implantation and management; silvicultural systems in native forests; dendrometry, industrial exploitation and use of agroforestry products.